pod vaseGui
fantom widget
AnimChannel | |
Bindable | |
Dialog |
Dialog |
Effect | |
Style |
ActionDialog |
MessageBox |
AlertDialog |
MessageBox |
AlphaAnimChannel | |
AnimExt | |
AnimManager | |
Animation | |
Binding | |
BlurEffect | |
BubbleStyle | |
Button |
common behaviors for buttons. |
CardIndicator | |
CardIndicatorStyle |
CardIndicatorStyle |
CardPane |
lays out child elements as a stack of cards where only one card may be visible at a time |
Caret |
A place within a document view that represents where things can be inserted into the document model. |
CheckBoxStyle | |
ComboBox |
ComboBox |
ComboBoxStyle | |
ContentPane |
ContentPane is the base class for panes which only contain one child widget called |
Coord |
A Point |
CtxMenu | |
DateDialog |
DateDialog |
DefTextAreaModel | |
DisplayMetrics | |
DownState | |
DragState | |
EdgeBox |
EdgePane is a container which lays out four children along the four edges and one child in the center. |
EditText |
EditText. |
EditTextStyle | |
FileTreeModel |
FileTreeModel |
FileWatchActor |
notify if file changed |
FlatButtonStyle | |
FloatPropertyAnimChannel | |
FlowBox | |
FogViewer | |
FontInfo | |
Frame |
Represent a top level Widget |
Gesture | |
GestureEvent | |
GestureState | |
HBox | |
ImageButtonStyle | |
ImageStyle | |
ImageView |
A display area for image |
Insets |
Insets represent a number of pixels around the edge of a rectangle. |
Interpolation | |
Label |
A display area for a short text string. |
LabelStyle | |
Layout |
Tell parent how to layout this widget The parent may ignore the param |
ListAdapter | |
ListView | |
Menu |
Menu contains MenuItems. |
MenuItem | |
MenuItemStyle | |
MenuStyle | |
MultiTouchEvent | |
MultiTouchState | |
NativeCaret | |
NoneState | |
OneClickState | |
OverScrollAnimChannel | |
Pane | |
PaneStyle | |
ProgressBarStyle | |
ProgressView | |
ProgressViewStyle | |
PromptDialog |
MessageBox |
PushCard | |
RadioButton | |
RadioButtonStyle | |
RectView |
RectView |
RectViewStyle | |
RichTextStyle |
Defines the font and color styling of a text segment in a RichTextModel. |
RotateAnimChannel | |
RoundButtonStyle | |
ScaleAnimChannel | |
ScriptViewer | |
ScrollAnimChannel | |
ScrollBar |
An implementation of a scrollbar. |
ScrollBarStyle | |
ScrollPane | |
ShadowEffect | |
SimpleListAdapter | |
SliderBar |
An implementation base scroll bar. |
SliderBarStyle | |
Spinner |
Spinner |
SpinnerStyle |
SpinnerStyle |
StyleManager | |
SwitchStyle | |
TabItemHighlightStyle | |
TabItemStyle | |
Table | |
TableHeaderStyle | |
TableModel |
TableModel models the data of a table widget. |
TableStyle | |
TabsView |
TabView |
TextArea |
Text |
TextAreaModel |
TextAreaModel models the document and styling of a |
TextAreaStyle | |
TextView |
TextView |
TextViewStyle | |
TimeDialog |
TimeDialog |
Timer |
Call the specified function on the UI thread's event loop |
Toast | |
ToastStyle | |
ToggleButton |
CheckBox or RadioBox |
TranslateAnimChannel | |
TreeItem |
TreeItem |
TreeModel |
TreeModel models the data of a tree widget. |
TreeStyle | |
TreeView |
TreeView |
TweenAnimChannel | |
TweenAnimation | |
TwoDownState | |
VBox | |
VideoView | |
Widget |
Widget is the base class for all UI widgets. |
WidgetGroup |
WidgetGroup is a Widget Container |
WidgetStyle |
Align | |
Direction |