virtual class vaseGui::ScrollBar
sys::Obj vaseGui::Widget vaseGui::ScrollBar
An implementation of a scrollbar.
- barLength
Int barLength()
bar length in screen coordinate
- barSize
Int barSize := 60
- curPos
Float curPos := 0.0f
start position at content
- gestureEvent
protected virtual override Void gestureEvent(GestureEvent e)
- intPrecision
Bool intPrecision := true
store pos value as Int perecision
- isActive
Bool isActive()
- isOverScroll
Bool isOverScroll()
- make
- max
Float max := 2000.0f
max content length
- motionEvent
protected virtual override Void motionEvent(MotionEvent e)
- onPosChanged
- overScrollVal
Float overScrollVal()
- posChangeFunc
- screenPos
Int screenPos()
- setCurPos
Void setCurPos(Float pos, Bool fireEvent, Bool allowOverScroll := false)
- thumbSize
Int thumbSize()
screen thumb size
- toScreenCoord
protected Float toScreenCoord(Float val)
maping from world to screen
- toWorldCoord
protected Float toWorldCoord(Float val)
map from screen to world
- vertical
const Bool vertical := true
is vertical
- viewport
Float viewport := 0.0f
view size of content