virtual class vaseWindow::MotionEvent
sys::Obj vaseWindow::Event vaseWindow::MotionEvent
Mouse event or Touch event
Int? button
Mouse button number pressed
- cancel
const static Int cancel := 5
- clicked
const static Int clicked := 4
- count
Int? count
Number of mouse clicks.
- delta
Int? delta
Delta value of event. For mouse wheel events this is the amount the mouse wheel has traveled.
- deltaX
Int? deltaX
delta x
- deltaY
Int? deltaY
delta y
- key
Key? key
Key code and modifiers.
- longPressed
const static Int longPressed := 3
- make
new make(Int type)
- moved
const static Int moved := 2
- other
const static Int other := 7
- pointerId
Int pointerId := 0
- pointers
List<MotionEvent>? pointers
For muilt touch event
- pressed
const static Int pressed := 0
- pressure
Float? pressure
Current pressure of pointer
- relativeX
Int relativeX := 0
- relativeY
Int relativeY := 0
- released
const static Int released := 1
- size
Float? size
Current size of pointer
- speed
Float? speed
pixel move per millisecond
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
- wheel
const static Int wheel := 6
- x
Int x := 0
X coordinates
- y
Int y := 0
Y coordinates