struct const class sys::Int
sys::Obj sys::Num sys::Int
@Serializable { simple=true }
Int is used to represent a signed 64-bit integer.
- abs
Int abs()
Return the absolute value of this integer. If this value is positive then return this, otherwise return the negation.
- and
Bitwise-and of this and b.
- clamp
Clamp this integer between the min and max. If its less than min then return min, if its greater than max return max, otherwise return this integer itself.
- compare
virtual override Int compare(Obj obj)
Compare based on integer value.
- decrement
Decrement by one. Shortcut is --a or a--.
- defVal
const static Int defVal := 0
Default value is zero.
- div
Divide this by b. Shortcut is a/b.
- divFloat
Float divFloat(Float b)Divide this by b. Shortcut is a/b.
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? obj)
Return true if same integer value.
- equalsIgnoreCase
Return if the two Unicode chars are equal without regard to ASCII case.
- fromDigit
Int? fromDigit(Int radix := 10)
Convert a Unicode digit character into a number for the specified radix. Return null if this char is not a valid digit.
'3'.fromDigit => 3 'f'.fromDigit(16) => 15 '%'.fromDigit => null
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str s, Int radix := 10, Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a Int using the specified radix. Unless the radix is 10, then a leading minus sign is illegal. If invalid format and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Return this.
- increment
Increment by one. Shortcut is ++a or a++.
- isAlpha
Bool isAlpha()
Return if this Unicode char is an ASCII alpha char: isUpper||isLower
- isAlphaNum
Bool isAlphaNum()
Return if this Unicode char is an ASCII alpha-numeric char: isAlpha||isDigit
- isDigit
Return if this Unicode char is an digit in the specified radix. A decimal radix of ten returns true for 0-9. A radix of 16 also returns true for a-f and A-F.
'3'.toDigit => true 3.toDigit => false 'B'.toDigit(16) => true
- isEven
Bool isEven()
Return if this integer is evenly divisible by two.
- isLower
Bool isLower()
Return if this Unicode char is an ASCII lowercase alphabetic char: a-z
- isOdd
Bool isOdd()
Return if this integer is not evenly divisible by two.
- isSpace
Bool isSpace()
Return if this Unicode char is whitespace: space \t \n \r \f
- isUpper
Bool isUpper()
Return if this Unicode char is an ASCII uppercase alphabetic char: A-Z
- lower
Int lower()
If this Unicode char is an ASCII uppercase char, then return it as lowercase, otherwise return this.
'A'.lower => 'a' 'h'.lower => 'h'
- max
Return the larger of this and the specified Int values.
- maxVal
const static Int maxVal := 9223372036854775807
Maximum value which can be stored in a signed 64-bit Int: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
- min
Return the smaller of this and the specified Int values.
- minVal
const static Int minVal := -9223372036854775807 - 1
Minimum value which can be stored in a signed 64-bit Int: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
- minus
Subtract b from this. Shortcut is a-b.
- minusFloat
Float minusFloat(Float b)Subtract b from this. Shortcut is a-b.
- mod
Return remainder of this divided by b. Shortcut is a%b.
- modFloat
Float modFloat(Float b)Return remainder of this divided by b. Shortcut is a%b.
- mult
Multiply this with b. Shortcut is a*b.
- multFloat
Float multFloat(Float b)Multiply this with b. Shortcut is a*b.
- negate
Negative of this. Shortcut is -a.
- not
Int not()
Bitwise not/inverse of this.
- or
Bitwise-or of this and b.
- plus
Add this with b. Shortcut is a+b.
- plusFloat
Float plusFloat(Float b)Add this with b. Shortcut is a+b.
- pow
Return this value raised to the specified power. Throw ArgErr if pow is less than zero.
- random
static Int random(Range? r := null)
Generate a random number. If range is null then all 2^64 integer values (both negative and positive) are produced with equal probability. If range is non-null, then the result is guaranteed to be inclusive of the range. Also see
, andRandom
r := Int.random r := Int.random(0..100)
- shifta
Bitwise arithmetic right-shift of this by b. The left-most bit is shifted into the highest bits performing like a signed shift. This is equivalent to the Java
operator. - shiftl
Bitwise left shift of this by b.
- shiftr
Bitwise right shift of this by b. Zero is shifted into the highest bits performing like an unsigned shift. This is equivalent to the Java
operator. - times
Call the specified function to this times passing the current counter. The counter begins at zero. Also see
3.times |i| { echo(i) } => 0, 1, 2
- toChar
Str toChar()
Map as a Unicode code point to a single character Str.
- toCode
Get this Int as a Fantom code literal. Base must be 10 or 16.
- toDigit
Convert this number into a Unicode char
-'9'. If radix is is greater than 10, then use a lower case letter. Return null if this number cannot be represented as a single digit character for the specified radix.Example:
3.toDigit => '3' 15.toDigit(16) => 'f' 99.toDigit => null
- toFloat
virtual override Float toFloat()
Convert this number to a Float.
- toHex
Return hexdecimal string representation. If width is non-null, then leading zeros are prepended to ensure the specified number of nibble characters.
255.toHex => "ff" 255.toHex(4) => "00ff"
- toInt
virtual override Int toInt()
Convert this number to an Int.
- toLocale
Str toLocale(Str? pattern := null)
Format this integer number for the current locale. If pattern is null, then the locale's default pattern is used. See
for pattern language. Fractional formatting is not supported for integers.In addition
supports the "B" pattern which will format a number of bytes with the appropiate B, KB, MB, GB suffix based on the magnitide (1024B == 1KB).Examples:
3.toLocale("00") => 03 3.toLocale("000") => 003 123456789.toLocale("#,###") => 123,456,789 123.toLocale("B") => 123B 1234.toLocale("B") => 1.2KB 100_000.toLocale("B") => 98KB (3*1024*1024).toLocale("B") => 3MB
- toRadix
Str toRadix(Int radix, Int width := 0)
Return string representation in given radix. If width is non-null, then leading zeros are prepended to ensure the specified width.
255.toRadix(8) => "ff" 255.toRadix(8, 3) => "00ff"
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return decimal string representation.
- upper
Int upper()
If this Unicode char is an ASCII lowercase char, then return it as uppercase, otherwise return this.
'a'.upper => 'A' '4'.upper => '4'
- xor
Bitwise-exclusive-or of this and b.