pod sys
system core lib
Facet |
Facet is a mixin includes into every facet type. |
Array | |
Bool |
Bool represents a boolean condition of true or false. |
Enum |
Enum is the base class for enum classes defined using the |
Err |
Err is the base class of all exceptions. |
Float |
Float is used to represent a 64-bit floating point number. |
Func |
Func models an executable function. |
Int |
Int is used to represent a signed 64-bit integer. |
List |
List represents an liner sequence of Objects indexed by an Int. |
Num |
Num is the base class for number classes: |
Obj |
Obj is the root class of all classes. |
Range |
Range represents a contiguous range of integers from start to end. |
Str |
Str represents a sequence of Unicode characters. |
StrBuf |
StrBuf is a mutable sequence of Int characters. |
This |
This represents a method return type which is always this type. |
Void |
Void is used to represent the absence of a return value in a Method. |
Deprecated |
Indicates that a type or slot is obsolete |
Extern |
extern link symbol |
FacetMeta |
Facet meta-data applied to facet classes. |
Js |
Used to annoate types which should be compiled into JavaScript. |
JsNative | |
NoDoc |
This facet is used on public types and slots to indicate they should not be documented with automated tools such as Fandoc. |
NoJs | |
NoPeer |
to indicate the native class do not emit peer field |
Operator |
Used on methods to indicate method may be used an operator. |
Serializable |
Serializable is a facet used to annotate types which can be serialized. |
Transient |
Transient is a facet used to annotate fields which should not be serialized inside a |
ArgErr |
ArgErr indicates an invalid argument was passed. |
AssertErr | |
CancelledErr |
CancelledErr indicates that an operation was cancelled before it complete normally. |
CastErr |
CastErr is a runtime exception raised when invalid cast is performed. |
ConstErr |
ConstErr indicates an attempt to set a const field after the object has been constructed. |
FieldNotSetErr |
FieldNotSetErr indicates a non-nullable field was not set by the constructor it-block. |
IOErr |
IOErr indicates an input/output error typically associated with a file system or socket. |
IndexErr |
IndexErr indicates an attempt to access an invalid index in a List. |
InterruptedErr |
InterruptedErr indicates that a thread is interrupted from its normal execution. |
NameErr |
NameErr indicates an attempt use an invalid name. |
NotImmutableErr |
NotImmutableErr indicates using a mutable Obj where an immutable Obj is required. |
NullErr |
NullErr is a runtime exception raised when using a null reference or when null is passed for a method argument which must be non-null. |
ParseErr |
ParseErr indicates an invalid string format which cannot be parsed. |
ReadonlyErr |
ReadonlyErr indicates an attempt to modify a readonly instance; it is commonly used with List and Map. |
TimeoutErr |
TimeoutErr indicates that a blocking operation timed out before normal completion. |
UnknownFacetErr |
UnknownFacetErr indicates an attempt to access a undefined facet. |
UnknownKeyErr |
UnknownKeyErr indicates an attempt lookup non-existent key. |
UnknownPodErr |
UnknownPodErr indicates an attempt to access a non-existent pod. |
UnknownServiceErr |
UnknownServiceErr indicates an attempt to lookup an service not installed. |
UnknownSlotErr |
UnknownSlotErr indicates an attempt to access a non-existent slot. |
UnknownTypeErr |
UnknownTypeErr indicates an attempt to access a non-existent type. |
UnresolvedErr |
UnresolvedErr indicates the failure to resolve a Uri to a resource. |
UnsupportedErr |
UnsupportedErr indicates a feature which isn't supported. |