const virtual class sys::Err
sys::Obj sys::Err
Err is the base class of all exceptions.
- cause
Err? cause()
Get the underyling cause exception or null.
- make
new make(Str msg := "", Err? cause := null)
Construct with specified error message and optional root cause.
- msg
Str msg()
Get the string message passed to the contructor or empty string if a message is not available.
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return the qualified type name and optional message.
- trace
This trace()
Dump the stack trace of this exception to the specified output stream (or
by default). Return this.The options may be used to specify the format of the output:
- "maxDepth": Int specifies how many methods in each
exception of chain to include. If unspecified the default is configured from the "errTraceMaxDepth" prop in etc/sys/config.props.
- "maxDepth": Int specifies how many methods in each
- traceToStr
Str traceToStr()
Dump the stack trace of this exception to a Str.