virtual class vaseGui::GestureEvent
sys::Obj vaseWindow::Event vaseGui::GestureEvent
- click
const static Int click := 1
- deltaX
Int? deltaX
delta x
- deltaY
Int? deltaY
delta y
- doubleClick
const static Int doubleClick := 4
- drag
const static Int drag := 5
- drop
const static Int drop := 6
- longPress
const static Int longPress := 2
- make
new make(Int type)
- multiTouch
const static Int multiTouch := 7
- pressure
Float? pressure
Current pressure of pointer
- relativeX
Int relativeX := 0
- relativeY
Int relativeY := 0
- shortPress
const static Int shortPress := 8
- size
Float? size
Current size of pointer
- speedX
Float? speedX
pixel move per millisecond
- speedY
Float? speedY
- x
Int x := 0
X coordinates
- y
Int y := 0
Y coordinates