abstract class vaseGui::WidgetGroup
sys::Obj vaseGui::Widget vaseGui::WidgetGroup
@Serializable { collection=true }
WidgetGroup is a Widget Container
- add
virtual This add(Widget child)Add a child widget. If child is already parented throw ArgErr. Return this.
- childrenSize
Int childrenSize()
num of children
- doPaint
- each
Void each(Func<Void,Widget,Int> f)
Iterate the children widgets.
- findAt
- findById
virtual override Widget? findById(Str id)
find widget by id in this group
- gestureEvent
protected virtual override Void gestureEvent(GestureEvent e)
process gesture event
- getChild
get by index
- indexSame
- keyEvent
- layoutChildren
protected abstract override Void layoutChildren(Bool force)
layout the children
- make
new make()
- motionEvent
protected virtual override Void motionEvent(MotionEvent e)
process motion event
- moveToTop
move child to top.
- onMounted
protected virtual override Void onMounted()
callback on mounted
- paintChildren
protected virtual Void paintChildren(Graphics g)
paint children widget
- prefContentSize
protected abstract override Size prefContentSize(Int hintsWidth := -1, Int hintsHeight := -1)
get the prefer content size
- remove
This remove(Widget? child, Bool doRelayout := true)
Remove a child widget
- removeAll
virtual This removeAll()
Remove all child widgets. Return this.
- resetStyle
virtual override Void resetStyle()