mixin vaseGraphics::Graphics



Graphics is used to draw 2D graphics. Targets might include display devices, printers, SVG/Canvas, or PDF.

See Fwt for details.


abstract Int alpha

Current alpha value used to render text, images, and shapes. The value must be between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaue).


abstract Bool antialias

Used to toggle anti-aliasing on and off.


abstract Brush brush

Current brush defines how text and shapes are filled.


abstract This clearRect(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)

clear a rectangle color to 0.


abstract This clip(Rect r)

Set the clipping area to the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle. Also see clipBounds.


abstract Rect clipBounds()

Get the bounding rectangle of the current clipping area. Also see clip.


abstract This clipPath(GraphicsPath path)

create a new clipping region by calculating the intersection of the current clipping region and the area described by the current path


abstract Composite composite

current composition operation


abstract This copyImage(Image image, Rect src, Rect dest)

Copy a rectangular region of the image to the graphics device. If the source and destination don't have the same size, then the copy is resized.


abstract Void dispose()

Free any operating system resources used by this instance.


abstract This drawArc(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h, Int startAngle, Int arcAngle)

Draw an arc with the current pen and brush. The angles are measured in degrees with 0 degrees is 3 o'clock with a counter-clockwise arcAngle. The origin of the arc is centered within x, y, w, h.


abstract This drawImage(Image image, Int x, Int y)

Draw a the image string with its top left corner at x,y.


abstract This drawLine(Int x1, Int y1, Int x2, Int y2)

Draw a line with the current pen and brush.


abstract This drawOval(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)

Draw an oval with the current pen and brush. The oval is fit within the rectangle specified by x, y, w, h.


abstract This drawPath(GraphicsPath path)

Draws the path described by the parameter.


abstract This drawPolygon(PointArray ps)

Draw a polygon with the current pen and brush.


abstract This drawPolyline(PointArray ps)

Draw a polyline with the current pen and brush.


abstract This drawRect(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)

Draw a rectangle with the current pen and brush.


abstract This drawRoundRect(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h, Int xRadius, Int yRadius)

Draw a rectangle with rounded corners with the current pen and brush.


abstract This drawText(Str s, Int x, Int y)

Draw a the text string with the current brush and font. The x, y coordinate specifies the baseline where the text is to be drawn.


abstract This fillArc(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h, Int startAngle, Int arcAngle)

Fill an arc with the current brush. The angles are measured in degrees with 0 degrees is 3 o'clock with a counter-clockwise arcAngle. The origin of the arc is centered within x, y, w, h.


abstract This fillOval(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)

Fill an oval with the current brush. The oval is fit within the rectangle specified by x, y, w, h.


abstract This fillPath(GraphicsPath path)

Fills the path described by the parameter.


abstract This fillPolygon(PointArray ps)

Fill a polygon with the current brush.


abstract This fillRect(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)

Fill a rectangle with the current brush.


abstract This fillRoundRect(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h, Int xRadius, Int yRadius)

Fill a rectangle with rounded corners with the current brush.


abstract Font? font

Current font used for drawing text.


abstract Pen pen

Current pen defines how the shapes are stroked.


abstract Void pop()

Pop the graphics stack and reset the state to the the last push.


abstract Void push()

Push the current graphics state onto an internal stack. Reset the state back to its current state via pop.


abstract This setShadow(Shadow? shadow)

All drawing operations are affected by the four global shadow attributes


abstract This transform(Transform2D mat)

concat transform to currently