virtual class vaseGui::TableModel
sys::Obj vaseGui::TableModel
TableModel models the data of a table widget.
- header
Get the header text for specified column.
- image
virtual Image? image(Int col, Int row)
Get the image to display for specified cell or null.
- numCols
virtual Int numCols()
Get number of columns in table. Default returns 1.
- numRows
virtual Int numRows()
Get number of rows in table.
- prefWidth
virtual Int? prefWidth(Int col)
Return the preferred width in pixels for this column. Return null (the default) to use the Tables default width.
- sortCompare
virtual Int sortCompare(Int col, Int row1, Int row2)
Compare two cells when sorting the given col. Return -1, 0, or 1 according to the same semanatics as
. Default behavior sortstext
using sys::Str.localeCompare. See fwt::Table.sort. - text
virtual Str text(Int col, Int row)
Get the text to display for specified cell.