abstract const class std::File



File is used to represent a Uri path to a file or directory. See examples.


Str basename()

Convenience for uri.basename.


virtual File copyInto(File dir, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)

Copy this file under the specified directory and return the destination file. This method is a convenience for:

return this.copyTo(dir + this.name, options)

virtual File copyTo(File to, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)

Copy this file or directory to the new specified location. If this file represents a directory, then it recursively copies the entire directory tree.

The options map is used to customize how the copy is performed. The following summarizes the options:

  • exclude: Regex or |File f->Bool|
  • overwrite: Bool or |File f,File f->Bool|

If the "exclude" option is a Regex - each source file's Uri string is is checked for a match to skip. If a directory is skipped, then its children are skipped also. The exclude option can also be a function of type |File f->Bool| to check each file. Exclude processing is performed first before checking for an overwrite.

If during the copy, an existing file of the same name is found, then the "overwrite" option should be to true to overwrite or false to skip. The overwrite option can also be a function of type |File f->Bool| which is passed every destination file to be overwritten. If the overwrite function throws an exception, it is raised to the copyTo caller. If a directory overwrite is skipped, then it its children are skipped too. If options are null or overwrite is unspecified then the copy is immediately terminated with an IOErr.

Any IOErr or other error encountered during the file copy immediately terminates the copy and is raised to the caller, which might leave the copy in an unfinished state.

Return the to destination file.


abstract File create()

Create a file or directory represented by this Uri. If isDir() is false then create an empty file, or if the file already exists overwrite it to empty. If isDir() is true then create a directory, or if the directory already exists do nothing. This method will automatically create any parent directories. Throw IOErr on error. Return this.


File createDir(Str name)

Create a sub-directory under this directory. Convenience for create:

return (this+name/.toUri).create

Throw IOErr is this file is not a directory or if there is a error creating the new directory. Return the directory created.


File createFile(Str name)

Create a file under this directory. Convenience for create:

return (this+name.toUri).create

Throw IOErr is this file is not a directory or if there is a error creating the new file. Return the file created.


static File createTemp(Str prefix := "fan", Str suffix := ".tmp", File? dir := null)

Create a temporary file which is guaranteed to be a new, empty file with a unique name. The file name will be generated using the specified prefix and suffix. If dir is non-null then it is used as the file's parent directory, otherwise the system's default temporary directory is used. If dir is specified it must be a directory on the local file system. See deleteOnExit if you wish to have the file automatically deleted on exit. Throw IOErr on error.


File.createTemp("x", ".txt") => `/tmp/x67392.txt`
File.createTemp.deleteOnExit => `/tmp/fan5284.tmp`

abstract Void delete()

Delete this file. If this file represents a directory, then recursively delete it. If the file does not exist, then no action is taken. Throw IOErr on error.


virtual File deleteOnExit()

Request that the file or directory represented by this File be deleted when the virtual machine exits. Long running applications should use this method will care since each file marked to delete will consume resources. Throw IOErr on error. Return this.


Void eachLine(Func<Void,Str> f)

Convenience for in.eachLine. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed.


virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)

File equality is based on the un-normalized Uri used to create the File.


abstract Bool exists()

Return if this file exists.


Str? ext()

Convenience for uri.ext.


static File fromPath(Str path, Bool checkSlash := true)


virtual override Int hash()

Return uri.hash.


abstract InStream in(Int bufferSize := 4096)

Open a new buffered InStream used to read from this file. A bufferSize of null or zero will return an unbuffered input stream. Throw IOErr on error.


virtual Bool isDir()

Convenience for uri.isDir


virtual Bool isEmpty()

If this is a file return if the file size is zero or null. If this is a directory return if this directory has no files without reading a full listing.


virtual Bool isExecutable()

Return if this file is executable.


virtual Bool isReadable()

Return if this file is readable.


virtual Bool isWritable()

Return if this file is writable.


abstract List<File> list()

List the files contained by this directory. This list includes both child sub-directories and normal files. If the directory is empty or this file doesn't represent a directory, then return an empty list.


virtual List<File> listDirs()

List the child sub-directories contained by this directory. If the directory doesn't contain any sub-direcotries or this file doesn't represent a directory, then return an empty list.


virtual List<File> listFiles()

List the child files (excludes directories) contained by this directory. If the directory doesn't contain any child files or this file doesn't represent a directory, then return an empty list.


static new make(Uri uri, Bool checkSlash := true)

Make a File for the Uri which represents a file on the local file system. If creating a Uri to a directory, then the Uri must end in a trailing "/" slash or IOErr is thrown - or you may pass false for checkSlash in which case the trailing slash is implicitly added. However if a trailing slash is added, then the resulting File's uri will not match the uri passed to this method. If the file doesn't exist, then it is assumed to be to a directory based on a trailing slash (see isDir). If the Uri has a relative path, then it is assumed to be relative to the current working directory. Throw ArgErr if the Uri has a scheme other than null or "file:".


MimeType? mimeType()

Convenience for uri.mimeType.


abstract Buf mmap(Str mode := "rw", Int pos := 0, Int size := 0)

Memory map the region of the file specified by pos and size. If size is null, then use the file's size as a default. The file is paged into virtual memory on demand. Modes are:

  • "r": map the file for reading only. Throws IOErr if file does not exist.
  • "rw": open the file for reading and writing; create if the file does not exist.
  • "p": private read/write mode will not propagate changes to other processes which have mapped the file.

abstract TimePoint? modified

Get time the file was last modified or null if unknown.


virtual File moveInto(File dir)

Move this file under the specified directory and return the destination file. This method is a convenience for:

return this.moveTo(dir + this.name)

abstract File moveTo(File to)

Move this file to the specified location. If this file is a directory, then the entire directory is moved. If the target file already exists or the move fails, then an IOErr is thrown. Return the to destination file.


Str name()

Convenience for uri.name.


abstract File normalize()

Normalize this file path to its canonical representation. If a file on the local file system, then the uri will include the "file:" scheme. Throw IOErr on error.


abstract Buf open(Str mode := "rw")

Open this file for random access. Modes are:

  • "r": open the file for reading only. Throws IOErr if file does not exist.
  • "rw": open the file for reading and writing; create if the file does not exist.

The Buf instance returned is backed by a random access file pointer. It provides the same functionality as a memory backed buffer, except for a couple exceptions such as Buf.unread. The resulting Buf is a raw interface to the random access file, no buffering is provided at the framework level - so use methods which only access a few bytes carefully. However methods which transfer data with other Bufs and IO streams will use an internal buffer for efficiency.


static File os(Str osPath)

Make a File for the specified operating system specific path on the local file system.


abstract Str? osPath()

Get this File as an operating system specific path on the local system. If this File doesn't represent a path on the local file system then return null.


static List<File> osRoots()

Get the root directories of the operating system's local file system.


abstract OutStream out(Bool append := false, Int bufferSize := 4096)

Open a new buffered OutStream used to write to this file. If append is true, then we open the file to append to the end, otherwise it is opened as an empty file. A bufferSize of null or zero will return an unbuffered output stream. Throw IOErr on error.


virtual File? parent()

Get the parent directory of this file or null. Also see Uri.parent.


List<Str> path()

Convenience for uri.path.


static Str pathSep()

Return the platform's separator for a list of paths: semicolon on Windows, colon on Unix.


Str pathStr()

Convenience for uri.pathStr.


virtual File plus(Uri path, Bool checkSlash := true)

Make a new File instance by joining this file's Uri together with the specified path. If the file maps to a directory and the resulting Uri doesn't end in slash then an IOErr is thrown - or pass false for checkSlash to have the slash implicitly added.


File(`a/b/`) + `c` => File(`a/b/c`)
File(`a/b`) + `c`  => File(`a/c`)

new privateMake(Uri uri)

Protected constructor for subclasses.


Buf readAllBuf()

Convenience for in.readAllBuf. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed.


List<Str> readAllLines()

Convenience for in.readAllLines. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed.


Str readAllStr(Bool normalizeNewlines := true)

Convenience for in.readAllStr. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed.


virtual File rename(Str newName)

Renaming this file within its current directory. It is a convenience for:

return this.moveTo(parent + newName)

static Str sep()

Return the platform's separator for names within in a path: backslash on Windows, forward slash on Unix.


abstract Int size()

Return the size of the file in bytes otherwise 0 if a directory or unknown.


virtual FileStore? store()

Get the store instance which models the storage pool, device, partition, or volume used to store this file. Raise UnsupportedErr if this file is not associated with a store.


virtual override Str toStr()

Return uri.toStr.


Uri uri()

Return the Uri path used to create this File. This Uri may be absolute or relative.


virtual Void walk(Func<Void,File> c)

Recursively walk this file/directory top down. If this file is not a directory then the callback is invoked exactly once with this file. If a directory, then the callback is invoked with this file, then recursively for each child file.


Void writeAllStr(Str str)

Convenience for out.writeChars The output stream is guaranteed to be closed.