abstract rtconst class std::Buf
sys::Obj std::Buf
Buf is used to model a block of bytes with random access. Buf is typically backed by a block of memory, but can also be backed by a file:
: backed by RAMFile.open
: backed by random access fileFile.mmap
: backed by memory mapped file
Buf provides an InStream
and OutStream
to read and write into the buffer using a configurable position accessed via Buf.pos
and Buf.seek
When using an InStream, bytes are read starting at pos where pos is advanced after each read. The end of stream is reached when pos reaches size. When using the OutStream, bytes are written starting at pos with pos advanced after each write. If pos is less then size then the existing bytes are rewritten and size is not advanced, otherwise the buffer is automatically grown and size is advanced as bytes are appended. It is common to write bytes into the buffer using the OutStream, then call Buf.flip
to prepare the buffer to be used for reading.
- bytesEqual
Return if the buffer contents are the same size and same bytes. Note this could be an extremely expensive call for non-memory buffers.
- capacity
abstract Int capacity
The number of bytes this buffer can hold without allocating more memory. Capacity is always greater or equal to size. If adding a large number of bytes, it may be more efficient to manually set capacity. See the
method to automatically set capacity to size. Throw ArgErr if attempting to set capacity less than size. This method is ignored on a file buffer, and unsupported on mmap. - charset
abstract Charset charset
Character set for both the OutStream and InStream.
- clear
This clear()
Read the buffer for a fresh read by reseting the buffer's pos and size to zero. The buffer's capacity remains the same. Return this.
- close
abstract Bool close()
If this buffer is backed by a file, then close it. If a memory buffer then do nothing. This method is guaranteed to never throw an IOErr. Return true if the buffer was closed successfully or false if closed abnormally.
- dup
virtual Buf dup()
Create a new buffer in memory which deeply clones this buffer.
- eachLine
Void eachLine(Func<Void,Str> f)
Convenience for
- endian
abstract Endian endian
Byte order mode for both OutStream and InStream. Default is
(network byte order). - equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)
Buf equality is based on reference equality using the === operator.
- fill
virtual This fill(Int b, Int times)
Write the specified byte to the end of the buffer using given count.
Buf().fill(0xff, 4) => 0xffffffff
- flip
This flip()
Flip a buffer from write-mode to read-mode. This method sets total size to current position, and position to 0. Return this.
- fromHex
Decode the specified hexadecimal string into its binary contents. Any characters which are not included in the set "0-9, a-f, A-F" are ignored as long as they appear between bytes (hi and lo nibbles must be contiguous).
Buf.make.print("\r\n").toHex => "0d0a" Buf.fromHex("0d0a").readAllStr => "\r\n"
- get
Get the byte at the specified absolute index. A negative index may be used to access from the end of the buffer. For example get(-1) is translated into get(size()-1). This method accesses the buffer absolutely independent of current position. The get method is accessed via the [] shortcut operator. Throw IndexErr if index out of range.
- getByte
- getBytes
protected abstract Int getBytes(Int pos, Array<Int8> dst, Int off, Int len)
- getRange
virtual Buf getRange(Range range)Return a new buffer containing the bytes in the specified absolute range. Negative indexes may be used to access from the end of the buf. This method accesses the buffer absolutely independent of current position. This method is accessed via the [] operator. Throw IndexErr if range illegal.
buf := Buf.make buf.write(0xaa).write(0xbb).write(0xcc).write(0xdd) buf[0..2] => 0x[aabbcc] buf[3..3] => 0x[dd] buf[-2..-1] => 0x[ccdd] buf[0..<2] => 0x[aabb] buf[1..-2] => 0x[bbcc]
- in
virtual InStream in()
Get the InStream which reads from this buffer. This method always returns the same instance. If this buffer is backed by a file, then
will not close the file - you must useBuf.close
. - isEmpty
Bool isEmpty()
Return if size() == 0.
- make
static new make(Int capacity := 1024)
Allocate a byte buffer in RAM with the initial given capacity.
- more
Bool more()
Return if more bytes are available to read: remaining() > 0.
- out
virtual OutStream out()
Get the OutStream which writes to this buffer. This method always returns the same instance. If this buffer is backed by a file, then
will not close the file - you must useBuf.close
. - peek
Int peek()
Convenience for
- peekChar
Int peekChar()
Convenience for
- pipeFrom
- pipeTo
- pos
abstract Int pos { internal set }
Return the current position for the next read or write. The position is always between 0 and
. If pos is less then size then future writes will rewrite the existing bytes without growing size. Change the position withseek
. -
Convenience for
Return this. - printLine
This printLine(Obj? obj := "")
Convenience for
Return this. - privateMake
new privateMake()
- random
Generate a random series of bytes.
Buf.random(8).toHex => "d548b54989028b90"
- read
Int read()
Convenience for
- readAllBuf
Buf readAllBuf()
Convenience for
- readAllLines
Convenience for
- readAllStr
Str readAllStr(Bool normalizeNewlines := true)
Convenience for
- readBool
Bool readBool()
Convenience for
- readBuf
Convenience for
- readBufFully
Buf readBufFully(Buf? buf, Int n)
Convenience for
- readChar
Int readChar()
Convenience for
- readChars
Convenience for
- readF4
Float readF4()
Convenience for
- readF8
Float readF8()
Convenience for
- readLine
Convenience for
- readS1
Int readS1()
Convenience for
- readS2
Int readS2()
Convenience for
- readS4
Int readS4()
Convenience for
- readS8
Int readS8()
Convenience for
- readStrToken
Str? readStrToken(Int? max := -1, Func<Bool,Int>? c := null)
Convenience for
- readU1
Int readU1()
Convenience for
- readU2
Int readU2()
Convenience for
- readU4
Int readU4()
Convenience for
- readUtf
Str readUtf()
Convenience for
- remaining
Int remaining()
Return the remaining number of bytes to read: size-pos.
- safeArray
- seek
Set the current position to the specified byte offset. A negative index may be used to access from the end of the buffer. For example seek(-1) is translated into seek(size-1). Return this.
- set
This set(Int pos, Int byte)Set is used to overwrite the byte at the specified the index. A negative index may be used to access an index from the end of the buffer. The set method is accessed via the []= shortcut operator. Return this. Throw IndexErr if index is out of range.
- setByte
- setBytes
protected abstract Void setBytes(Int pos, Array<Int8> src, Int off, Int len)
- size
abstract Int size
Return the total number of bytes in the buffer. If the size is set greater than capacity then the buffer's capacity is automatically grown, otherwise capacity remains the same. Setting size does not actually change any bytes in the buffer. A mmap buffer can never be increased from its initial size.
- sync
abstract This sync()
If this Buf is backed by a file, then fsync all changes to the storage device. Throw IOErr on error. Return this.
- toFile
Create an in-memory File instance for this buffer with the given file URI. The buffer must be a RAM based buffer which is converted to an immutable buffer via
semantics. The current time is used for the file's modified time. - toHex
virtual Str toHex()
Encode the buffer contents from 0 to size into a hexadecimal string. This method is unsupported for mmap buffers.
Buf.make.print("\r\n").toHex => "0d0a" Buf.fromHex("0d0a").readAllStr => "\r\n"
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return string summary of the buffer.
- trim
virtual This trim()
Trim the capacity such that the underlying storage is optimized for the current size. Return this.
- unread
Convenience for
Memory backed buffers support a stack based pushback model like IO streams. File backed buffers will simply rewrite the last position in the file. Return this. - unreadChar
Convenience for
Memory backed buffers support a stack based pushback model like IO streams. File backed buffers will simply rewrite the last position in the file. Return this. - unsafeArray
protected virtual Array<Int8>? unsafeArray()
Convenience for in.readObj
- write
Convenience for
Return this. - writeBool
Convenience for
Return this. - writeBuf
This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining())
Convenience for
Return this. - writeChar
Convenience for
Return this. - writeChars
This writeChars(Str str, Int off := 0, Int len := str.size() - off)
Convenience for
Return this. - writeF4
Convenience for
Return this. - writeF8
Convenience for
Return this. - writeI2
Convenience for
Return this. - writeI4
Convenience for
Return this. - writeI8
Convenience for
Return this. - writeUtf
Convenience for
Return this.