struct const class std::TimePoint
sys::Obj std::TimePoint
@Serializable { simple=true }
TimePoint represents an absolute instance in time. It's more light-weight than DateTime and independent of a timezone. TimePoint provides millisecond precision in current implemention.
- compare
virtual override Int compare(Obj that)
Compare based on nanosecond ticks.
- epoch
const static TimePoint epoch := ...
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)
Two times are equal if have identical nanosecond ticks.
- floor
TimePoint floor(Duration accuracy)
Return a new TimePoint with this time's nanosecond ticks truncated according to the specified accuracy. For example
will truncate this time to the minute such that seconds are 0.0. This method is strictly based on absolute ticks, it does not take into account wall-time rollovers. - fromMillis
static new fromMillis(Int m)
make from millisecond since 1970
- fromSec
static new fromSec(Int sec)
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str s)
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Return nanosecond ticks for the hashcode.
- minus
TimePoint minus(Duration duration)Subtract a duration to compute a new time.
- minusDateTime
Duration minusDateTime(TimePoint time)Return the delta between this and the given time.
- nanoTicks
static Int nanoTicks()
Get the current value of the system timer. This method returns a relative time unrelated to system or wall-clock time. Typically it is the number of nanosecond ticks which have elapsed since system startup.
- now
static new now()
Return the current time
- nowMillis
static Int nowMillis()
Return the current time as millisecond ticks since 1 Jan 1970 UTC.
- nowUnique
static Int nowUnique()
Return the current time as nanosecond ticks since 1 Jan 1970 UTC
- plus
TimePoint plus(Duration duration)Add a duration to compute a new time.
- toMillis
Int toMillis()
millisecond since 1970
- toSec
Int toSec()
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()