rtconst virtual class std::Env



Env defines a pluggable class used to boot and manage a Fantom runtime environment. Use cur to access the current Env instance.


const static Env _cur := Env.<ctor>()


virtual Void addShutdownHook(Func<Void> hook)

Add a function to be called on VM shutdown. Throw NotImmutableErr if the function is not immutable. Default implementation delegates to parent.


Str arch()

Microprocessor architecture name as one of the following constants:

  • "x86"
  • "x86_64"
  • "ppc"
  • "sparc"
  • "ia64"
  • "ia64_32"

virtual List<Str> args()

Get the command line arguments used to run the fan process as an immutable List of strings. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual Type compileScript(File f, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)

Compile a script file into a pod and return the first public type declared in the script file. If the file has been previously compiled and hasn't changed, then a cached type is returned. If the script contains errors then the first CompilerErr found is thrown. The options available:

  • logLevel: the default LogLevel to use for logging the compilation process and errors
  • log: the CompilerLog to use for logging the compilation process and errors
  • logOut: an output stream to capture logging
  • force: pass true to not use caching, always forces a recompile

virtual Str compileScriptToJs(File f, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)

Compile a script file into a pod and return the JS source code of resulting pod. If the script contains errors then the first CompilerErr found is thrown. The options available:

  • podName: the name of pod created for script
  • logLevel: the default LogLevel to use for logging the compilation process and errors
  • log: the CompilerLog to use for logging the compilation process and errors
  • logOut: an output stream to capture logging

virtual Str? config(Pod pod, Str key, Str? defV := null)

Lookup a configuration property for given pod/key pair. If not found then return def. Default implementation routes to props using max age of one minute:

props(pod, `config.props`, 1min).get(key, def)

Also see Pod.config and docLang::Env.


static Env cur()

Get the current runtime environment


virtual Map<Str,Obj>? diagnostics()

Poll for a platform dependent map of diagnostics name/value pairs for the current state of the VM. Java platforms return key values from the java.lang.management interface. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual OutStream err()

Standard error output stream. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual Void exit(Int status := 0)

Terminate the current virtual machine. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual List<File> findAllFiles(Uri uri)

Find all the files in the environment which match a relative path such as "etc/foo/config.props". It is possible to have multiple matches if the environment uses a search path model. If the list contains more than one item, then the first file has the highest priority and the last item has the lowest priority. If the URI is not relative then throw ArgErr. Return empty list if the file is not found in environment. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual List<Str> findAllPodNames()

Return the list of pod names for all the pods currently installed in this environemnt. This method is used by Pod.list and for constructing the type database. Each of these names must be resolvable by findPodFile. The default implementation routes to findFile to look in the "lib/fan" directory and assumes a naming convention of "{name}.pod".


virtual File? findFile(Uri uri, Bool checked := true)

Find a file in the environment using a relative path such as "etc/foo/config.props". If the URI is not relative then throw ArgErr. If the file is not found in the environment then throw UnresolvedErr or return null based on checked flag. If findAllFiles would return multiple matches, then this method should always return the file with the highest priority. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual File? findPodFile(Str podName)

Resolve the pod file for the given pod name. If the name cannot be resovled to a pod, return null. The default implementation routes to findFile to look in "lib/fan" directory.


virtual Void gc()

Run the garbage collector. No guarantee is made to what the VM will actually do. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual File homeDir()

Get the home directory of Fantom installation. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual Str host()

Get the local host name of the machine running the virtual machine process. Default implementation delegates to parent.


Int idHash(Obj? obj)

Return the default hash code of Obj.hash for the specified object regardless of whether the object has overridden the hash method. If null then return 0.


virtual InStream in()

Standard input stream. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual List<Str> index(Str key)

Lookup all the matching values for a pod indexed key. If no matches are found return the empty list. Indexed props are declared in your pod's build script, and coalesced into a master index by the current environment. See docLang for details.


virtual List<Str> indexKeys()

Get listing of all keys mapped by indexed props. The values of each key may be resolved by the index method. See docLang for details.


virtual List<Str> indexPodNames(Str key)

Return list of all pod names that define the given key. NOTE: Java runtime only


protected Void init()


virtual override Bool isImmutable()


Bool isJs()

is Javascript runtime


Int javaVersion()

Get the Java VM Version as a single integer (8, 9, etc.). If the runtime is not java, return 0.


virtual Str? locale(Pod pod, Str key, Str? defV := "_nodef_", Locale locale := Locale.cur())

Lookup a localized property for the specified pod/key pair. The following rules are used for resolution:

  1. props(pod, `locale/{locale}.props`)
  2. props(pod, `locale/{lang}.props`)
  3. props(pod, `locale/en.props`)
  4. Fallback to pod::key unless def specified

Where {locale} is Locale.toStr and {lang} is Locale.lang.

Also see Pod.locale and docLang::Localization.


new make()

Subclasses are constructed from a parent environment.


Str os()

Operating system name as one of the following constants:

  • "win32"
  • "macosx"
  • "linux"
  • "aix"
  • "solaris"
  • "hpux"
  • "qnx"

virtual OutStream out()

Standard output stream. Default implementation delegates to parent.


Str platform()

Name of the host platform as a string formatted as "<os>-<arch>". See os and arch.


virtual Str? promptPassword(Str msg := "")

Prompt the user to enter a password from standard input with echo disabled. Return null if end of stream has been reached. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual Map<Str,Str> props(Pod pod, Uri uri, Duration maxAge)

Return a merged key/value map of all the prop files found using the following resolution rules:

  1. Env.findAllFiles: "etc/{pod}/{uri}"
  2. Pod.files: "/{uri}"

The uri must be relative.

The files are parsed using InStream.readProps and merged according to their priority order. If the file is defined as a resource in the pod itself, then it is treated as lowest priority. The first file returned by findAllFiles is treated as highest priority and overwrites any key-value pairs defined at a lower priority.

The map is cached so that subsequent calls for the same path doesn't require accessing the file system again. The maxAge parameter specifies the tolerance accepted before a cache refresh is performed to check if any of the files have been modified.

Also see Pod.props and docLang::Env.


virtual Bool removeShutdownHook(Func<Void> hook)

Remove a shutdown hook function which was added by addShutdownHook. Remove true if hook had been previously added and was unregistered, false otherwise. Default implementation delegates to parent.


Str runtime()

Virtual machine runtime as one of the following constants:

  • "java"
  • "dotnet"
  • "js"

virtual File tempDir()

Get the temp directory to use for scratch files. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual override Env toImmutable()


virtual Str user()

Get the user name of the user account used to run the virtual machine process. Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual Map<Str,Str> vars()

Get the environment variables as a case insensitive, immutable map of Str name/value pairs. The environment map is initialized from the following sources from lowest priority to highest priority:

  1. shell environment variables
  2. Java system properties (Java VM only obviously)

Default implementation delegates to parent.


virtual File workDir()

Get the working directory to use for saving compiled pods and configuration information. Default implementation delegates to parent.