mixin crypto::CertSigner


The CertSigner allows you to configure various options for signing a certificate from a CSR to generate a signed certifcate.

See RFC5280 for more information on configuring v3 extension values.


abstract This authKeyId(Buf buf)

Configure the Authority Key Identifier V3 extension


abstract This basicConstraints(Bool ca := false, Int? pathLenConstraint := null)

Configure the Basic Constraints V3 extension


abstract This ca(PrivKey caPrivKey, Cert caCert)

Configure the CA private key and public certificate. If this method is not called, then a self-signed certificate will be generated.


abstract This extendedKeyUsage(List<Str> oids)

Configure the Extended Key Usage V3 extension.


abstract This keyUsage(Buf bits)

Configure the Key Usage V3 extension


abstract This notAfter(Date date)

Configure the end date for the certificate validity period. The default value is 365 days from today.


abstract This notBefore(Date date)

Configure the start date for the certificate valdity period. The default value is today.


abstract Cert sign()

Generate the signed certificate based on the current configuration.


abstract This signWith(Map<Str,Obj> opts)

Configure the signature algorithm to sign the certificate with. This map is configured the same as a Crypto.genCsr. By default, an implementation should choose a "strong" signing algorithm.


abstract This subjectAltName(Obj name)

Add a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate. This method may be called multiple times to add different SANs. The name may be one of the following types:

  • Str: a DNS name
  • Uri: a Uniform Resource Identifier name
  • IpAddr: an IP address name

abstract This subjectKeyId(Buf buf)

Configure the Subject Key Identifier V3 extenstion