abstract const class vaseWindow::Toolkit
sys::Obj vaseWindow::Toolkit
Window Toolkit
- callLater
abstract Void callLater(Int delay, Func<Void> f)
call on UI thread. delay on millisecond
- clipboard
abstract Clipboard clipboard()
Reference to the system clipboard for data transfer.
- cur
static Toolkit cur()
get current instance
- density
virtual Float density()
density base on 320 dpi
- loadResFile
virtual Obj loadResFile(Str pod, Uri uri)
Look up a resource file in pod
- name
abstract Str name()
current Env name one of "HTML5","SWT","AWT","Android"
- openUri
abstract Bool openUri(Uri uri, Map<Str,Str>? options := null)
- resFilePath
- window
abstract Window? window(View? view := null, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)
get or make window