const virtual class vaseWindow::NFont
sys::Obj vaseGraphics::Font vaseWindow::NFont
- ascent
virtual override Int ascent()
Get ascent of this font which is the distance in pixels from baseline to top of chars, not including any leading area.
- descent
virtual override Int descent()
Get descent of this font which is the distance in pixels from baseline to bottom of chars, not including any leading area.
- dispose
virtual override Void dispose()
Free any operating system resources used by this font. Dispose is required if this color has been used in an operation such as FWT onPaint which allocated a system resource to represent this instance.
- handle
const Int handle
- height
virtual override Int height()
Get height of this font which is the pixels is the sum of ascent, descent, and leading.
- leading
virtual override Int leading()
Get leading of this font which is the distance in pixels above the ascent which may include accents and other marks.
- privateMake
- width
virtual override Int width(Str s)
Get the width of the string in pixels when painted with this font.