virtual class vaseMath::Matrix
sys::Obj vaseMath::Matrix
Modeling a matrix
- adjoint
Matrix adjoint()
adjoint matrix
- approx
Bool approx(Matrix other, Float? tolerance := 1.0E-10f)
approximately equal
- clone
Matrix clone()
return a copy of this matrix
- cofactor
Float cofactor(Int ai, Int aj)
algebraic cofactor
- determinant
Float determinant()
determinant of matrix
- equals
- flatten
FloatArray flatten()
return a one-dimensional list
- get
return the value at given location
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
- invert
Matrix invert()
invert matrix by Gauss algorithm
- invertByAdjoint
Matrix invertByAdjoint()
invert matrix by adjoint
- m
Int m
num of rows
- make
new make(List<List<Float>> list)
make matrix by given list, there is no copy.
- makeIndentity
static Matrix makeIndentity(Int n)
unit Matrix
- makeZero
make a matrix that all elements is zero
- multFloat
Matrix multFloat(Float k)multiply matrix by scalar
- multMatrix
Matrix multMatrix(Matrix b)multiply matrix by matrix
- n
Int n
num of columns
- name
Str? name
name for debug
- plus
Matrix plus(Matrix b)add with another matrix
- set
Void set(Int r, Int c, Float value)
set the value of r row and c column
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
- transpose
Matrix transpose()
transpose meaing exchange the row and column