const virtual class util::Unit


@Serializable { simple=true }

Unit models a unit of measurement. Units are represented as:

A unit identifier is limited to the following characters:

Units with equal dimensions are considered to the measure the same physical quantity. This is not always true, but good enough for practice. Conversions with the convertTo method are expressed with the following equations:

unit       = dimension * scale + offset
toNormal   = scalar * scale + offset
fromNormal = (scalar - offset) / scale
toUnit     = fromUnit.fromNormal( toUnit.toNormal(sclar) )

As a simple, pragmatic solution for modeling Units, there are some units which don't fit this model including logarithm and angular units. Units which don't cleanly fit this model should be represented as dimensionless (all ratios set to zero).

Fantom's model for units of measurement and the unit database are derived from the OASIS oBIX specification.


Int A()

Ampere (electric current) component of the unit dimension.


Int K()

Kelvin (thermodynamic temperature) component of the unit dimension.


Int cd()

Candela (luminous intensity) component of the unit dimension.


Float convertTo(Float scalar, Unit unit)

Convert a scalar value from this unit to the given unit. If the units do not have the same dimension then throw Err. For example, to convert 3km to meters:

m  := Unit("meter")
km := Unit("kilometer")
km.convertTo(3f, m)  =>  3000f

static Unit define(Str s)

Define a new Unit definition in the VM's unit database using the following string format:

unit   := <ids> [";" <dim> [";" <scale> [";" <offset>]]]
names  := <ids> ("," <id>)*
id     := <idChar>*
idChar := 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '_' | '%' | '/' | any char > 128
dim    := <ratio> ["*" <ratio>]*   // no whitespace allowed
ratio  := <base> <exp>
base   := "kg" | "m" | "sec" | "K" | "A" | "mol" | "cd"
exp    := <int>
scale  := <float>
offset := <float>

If the format is incorrect or any identifiers are already defined then throw an exception.


Str definition()

Return string format as specified by define.


Str dim()

Return the string format of the dimension portion of definition


Unit div(Unit b)

Match quotient of this divided by b against current database definitions. If an unambiguous match cannot be made then throw Err.


virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)

Two units are equal if they have reference equality because all units are interned during definition.


static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)

Find a unit by one of its identifiers if it has been defined in this VM. If the unit isn't defined yet and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw Err. Any units declared in "etc/sys/units.txt" are implicitly defined.


virtual override Int hash()

Return toStr.hash.


List<Str> ids()

Return the list of programatic identifiers for this unit. The first item is always name and the last is always symbol.


Int kg()

Kilogram (mass) component of the unit dimension.


static List<Unit> list()

List all the units currently defined in the VM. Any units declared in "etc/sys/units.txt" are implicitly defined.


Int m()

Meter (length) component of the unit dimension.


Int mol()

Mole (amount of substance) component of the unit dimension.


Unit mult(Unit that)

Match the product of this and b against current database definitions. If an unambiguous match cannot be made then throw Err.


Str name()

Return the primary name identifier of this unit. This is always the first item in ids.


Float offset()

Return the offset factor used to convert this unit "from normal". See class header for normalization and conversion equations. Offset is used most commonly with temperature units. The offset for normalized unit is always zero.


static List<Str> quantities()

List the quantity names used to organize the unit database in "etc/sys/units.txt". Quantities are merely a convenient mechanism to organize the unit database - there is no guarantee that they include all current VM definitions.


static List<Unit> quantity(Str quantity)

Get the units organized under a specific quantity name in the unit database "etc/sys/units.txt". Quantities are merely a convenient mechanism to organize the unit database - there is no guarantee that they include all current VM definitions.


Float scale()

Return the scale factor used to convert this unit "from normal". For example the scale factor for kilometer is 1000 because it is defined as a 1000 meters where meter is the normalized unit for length. See class header for normalization and conversion equations. The scale factor the normalized unit is always one.


Int sec()

Second (time) component of the unit dimension.


Str symbol()

Return the abbreviated symbol for this unit. This is always the last item in ids.


virtual override Str toStr()

Return symbol.