virtual class util::JVal
sys::Obj util::JVal
JSON Object
- add
- asBool
Bool asBool()
- asFloat
Float asFloat()
- asInt
Int asInt()
- asList
- asMap
- asNull
Obj? asNull()
- asStr
Str asStr()
- asVal
- get
JVal get(Str name, JVal defVal := JVal.<ctor>(null)) - getAt
- isBool
Bool isBool()
- isFloat
Bool isFloat()
- isInt
Bool isInt()
- isList
Bool isList()
- isMap
Bool isMap()
- isNull
Bool isNull()
- isNum
Bool isNum()
- isStr
Bool isStr()
- make
new make(Obj? obj)
- makeList
new makeList()
- makeMap
new makeMap()
- obj
Obj? obj
- readJson
parse object from JSON string
- set
- size
Int size()
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
- trap
virtual override Obj? trap(Str name, List<Obj?>? args := null)
- writeJson
Str writeJson(Bool std := true, Bool escapeUnicode := false)
writes objects in JSON string @std nonstandard will omit the quotation of object key
- xpath