virtual class util::CsvInStream
sys::Obj std::InStream std::ProxyInStream util::CsvInStream
CsvInStream is used to read delimiter-separated values as specified by RFC 4180. Format details:
- rows are delimited by a newline
- cells are separated by
char - cells may be quoted with
character - quoted cells may contain the delimiter
- quoted cells may contain newlines (always normalized to "\n")
- quoted cells must escape
- the
flag trims leading/trailing whitespace from non-quoted cells (note that RFC 4180 specifies that whitespace is significant)
Also see CsvOutStream
- delimiter
Int delimiter := 44
Delimiter character; defaults to comma.
- eachRow
Void eachRow(Func<Void,List<Str>> f)
Iterate through all the lines parsing each one into delimited-separated strings and calling the given callback functions. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed upon completion.
- make
new make(InStream in)
Wrap the underlying input stream.
- readAllRows
Read the entire table of rows into memory. The input stream is guaranteed to be closed upon completion.
- readRow
Read the next line as a row of delimiter-separated strings. Return null if at end of stream.
- trim
Bool trim := true
Configures whether unqualified whitespace around a cell is automatically trimmed. If a field is enclosed by quotes then it is never trimmed.