const class std::Version
sys::Obj std::Version
@Serializable { simple=true }
Version is defined as a list of decimal digits separated by the dot. Convention for Fantom pods is a four part version format of
- build
Int? build()
Get the third segment which represents the build number. Return null if version has less than three segments.
- compare
virtual override Int compare(Obj obj)
Compare from from most significant segment to least significant segment.
1.6 > 1.4 2.0 > 1.9 1.2.3 > 1.2 1.11 > 1.9.3
- defVal
const static Version defVal := Version.fromStr("0")
Default value is "0".
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? obj)
Return true if equal segments.
- fromStr
static new fromStr(Str version, Bool checked := true)
Parse a string representation into a Version. If invalid format and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Return toStr.hash
- major
Int major()
Get the first, most significant segment which represents the major version.
- make
Construct with list of integer segments. Throw ArgErr if segments is empty or contains negative numbers.
- minor
Int? minor()
Get the second segment which represents the minor version. Return null if version has less than two segments.
- patch
Int? patch()
Get the fourth segment which represents the patch number. Return null if version has less than four segments.
- segments
Get a readonly list of the integer segments.
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
The string format is equivalent to segments.join(".")