class std::Extension


static extension Obj? readObj(InStream in, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null, Bool close := true)

Read a serialized object from the stream according to the Fantom serialization format. Throw IOErr or ParseErr on error. This method may consume bytes/chars past the end of the serialized object (we may want to add a "full stop" token at some point to support compound object streams).

The options may be used to specify additional decoding logic:

  • "makeArgs": Obj[] arguments to pass to the root object's make constructor via Type.make

static extension Err traceTo(Err self, OutStream out := Env.cur().out(), Map<Str,Obj>? options := null)

Dump the stack trace of this exception to the specified output stream (or Env.cur.err by default). Return this.

The options may be used to specify the format of the output:

  • "indent": Int for initial number of indentation spaces
  • "maxDepth": Int specifies how many methods in each
    exception of chain to include.  If unspecified the
    default is configured from the "errTraceMaxDepth" prop
    in etc/sys/config.props.

static extension OutStream writeObj(OutStream out, Obj? obj, Map<Str,Obj>? options := null, Bool close := true)

Write a serialized object from the stream according to the Fantom serialization format. Throw IOErr on error. Return this.

The options may be used to specify the format of the output:

  • "indent": Int specifies how many spaces to indent each level. Default is 0.
  • "skipDefaults": Bool specifies if we should skip fields at their default values. Field values are compared according to the equals method. Default is false.
  • "skipErrors": Bool specifies if we should skip objects which aren't serializable. If true then we output null and a comment. Default is false.