const virtual class graphics::Rect
sys::Obj graphics::Rect
@Serializable { simple=true }
Represents the x,y coordinate and w,h size of a rectangle.
- contains
Return true if x,y is inside the bounds of this rectangle.
- defVal
const static Rect defVal := Rect.<ctor>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Default instance is 0, 0, 0, 0.
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? obj)
Return if obj is same Rect value.
- fromStr
static Rect? fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
Parse from comma or space separated string. If invalid then throw ParseErr or return null based on checked flag.
- h
const Float h
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Return hash of x, y, w, and h.
- intersection
Compute the intersection between this rectangle and that rectangle. If there is no intersection, then return
. - intersects
Return true if this rectangle intersects any portion of that rectangle
- make
new make(Float x, Float y, Float w, Float h)
Construct with x, y, w, h.
- makeInt
new makeInt(Int x, Int y, Int w, Int h)
Construct with x, y, w, h as integers.
- makePosSize
new makePosSize(Point p, Size s)
Construct from a Point and Size instance
- pos
Point pos()
Get the x, y coordinate of this rectangle.
- size
Size size()
Get the w, h size of this rectangle.
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
"x y w h"
- union
Compute the union between this rectangle and that rectangle, which is the bounding box that exactly contains both rectangles.
- w
const Float w
- x
const Float x
X coordinate
- y
const Float y
Y coordinate