virtual class domkit::TableModel
sys::Obj domkit::TableModel
TableModel backs the data model for a Table
- colWidth
Return width of given column.
- headerHeight
virtual Int headerHeight()
Return height of header.
- isVisibleDef
virtual Bool isVisibleDef(Int col)
Return default visible/hidden state for column
- item
Return item for the given row to be used with selection.
- numCols
virtual Int numCols()
Number of columns in table.
- numRows
virtual Int numRows()
Number of rows in table.
- onCell
virtual Void onCell(Elem cell, Int col, Int row, TableFlags flags)
Callback to update the cell content at given location.
- onHeader
virtual Void onHeader(Elem header, Int col)
Callback to update content for column header at given index.
- rowHeight
virtual Int rowHeight()
Return height of rows.
- sortCompare
virtual Int sortCompare(Int col, Int row1, Int row2)
Compare two cells when sorting the given col. Return -1, 0, or 1 according to the same semanatics as
. SeeTable.sort