const virtual class concurrent::ActorPool



Controller for a group of actors which manages their execution using pooled thread resources.

See docLang::Actors


const AtomicBool _killed := AtomicBool(false)


static ActorPool defVal()


Bool isDone()

Return true if this pool has been stopped or killed and all its actors have completed processing. If this pool was stopped then true indicates that all pending messages in the queues before the stop have been fully processed. If this pool was killed, then this method returns true once all actors have exited their thread. See join to block until done.


virtual override Bool isImmutable()


Bool isStopped()

Return true if this pool has been stopped or killed. Once a a pool is stopped, new messages may not be delivered to any of its actors. A stopped pool is not necessarily done until all its actors have finished processing. Also see isDone and join.


This join(Duration? timeout := null)

Wait for this pool's actors to fully terminate or until the given timeout occurs. A null timeout blocks forever. If this method times out, then TimeoutErr is thrown. Throw Err if the pool is not stopped. Return this.


This kill()

Perform an unorderly shutdown. Any pending messages which have not started processing are cancelled. Actors which are currently processing a message will be interrupted. See stop to perform an orderly shutdown. If the pool has already been killed, then do nothing.


Bool killed()


new make(Func<Void,This>? f := null)

It-block constructor


const Int maxThreads := 100

Max number of threads which are used by this pool for concurrent actor execution. This value must be at least one or greater.


const Str name := "ActorPool"

Name to use for the pool and associated threads.


This stop()

Perform an orderly shutdown. Once stopped, no new messages may be sent to this pool's actors. However, any pending messages will be processed. Note that scheduled messages are not guaranteed to be processed, only those delivered with Actor.send.

Use join to wait for all actors to complete their message queue. To perform an immediate shutdown use kill. If the pool has already been stopped, then do nothing. Return this.