// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   8 Apr 08  Brian Frank  Creation

using web
using util

** LogMod is used log requests according to the W3C extended log file format.
** See [pod doc]`pod-doc#log`
const class LogMod : WebMod

// Construction

  ** Constructor with it-block.
  new make(|This|? f := null)
    if (f != null) f.call(this)
    logger = FileLogger
      it.dir      = this.dir
      it.filename = this.filename
      it.onOpen   = |out| { onOpen(out) }

// Fields

  ** Directory used to store log file(s).
  const File dir := noDir
  private static const File noDir := File(`no-dir-configured`)

  ** Log filename pattern.  The name may contain a pattern between
  ** '{}' using the pattern format of `sys::DateTime.toLocale`.  For
  ** example to maintain a log file per month, use a filename such
  ** as "web-{YYYY-MM}.log".
  const Str filename := ""

  ** Format of the log records as a string of #Fields names.
  ** See [pod doc]`pod-doc#log`
  const Str fields := "date time c-ip cs(X-Real-IP) cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status time-taken cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer)"

// Lifecycle

  private Void onOpen(OutStream out)
    // write prefix
    out.printLine("#Remark ==========================================================================")
    out.printLine("#Remark " + DateTime.now.toLocale)
    out.printLine("#Version 1.0")
    out.printLine("#Software ${Type.of(this)} ${Pod.of(this).version}")
    out.printLine("#Start-Date " + DateTime.nowUtc.toLocale("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"))
    out.printLine("#Fields $fields")

  override Void onStop()

  override Void onService()
      s := StrBuf(256)
      fields.split.each |Str field, Int i|
        if (i != 0) s.add(" ")

        // lookup format method for field
        m := formatters[field]
        if (m != null)
          s.add(m.call(req, res))

        // cs(HeaderName)
        if (field.startsWith("cs("))
          s.add(formatCsHeader(req, field[3..-2]))

        // unknown field name

    catch (Err e)
      logger.writeStr("# $e")

// Formatters

  internal static const [Str:Method] formatters :=
    "date":         #formatDate,
    "time":         #formatTime,
    "c-ip":         #formatCIp,
    "c-port":       #formatCPort,
    "cs-method":    #formatCsMethod,
    "cs-uri":       #formatCsUri,
    "cs-uri-stem":  #formatCsUriStem,
    "cs-uri-query": #formatCsUriQuery,
    "sc-status":    #formatScStatus,
    "time-taken":   #formatTimeTaken,

  internal static Str formatDate(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return DateTime.nowUtc.toLocale("YYYY-MM-DD")

  internal static Str formatTime(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return DateTime.nowUtc.toLocale("hh:mm:ss")

  internal static Str formatCIp(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return req.remoteAddr.numeric

  internal static Str formatCPort(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return req.remotePort.toStr

  internal static Str formatCsMethod(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return req.method

  internal static Str formatCsUri(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return req.uri.encode

  internal static Str formatCsUriStem(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return req.uri.pathOnly.encode

  internal static Str formatCsUriQuery(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    if (req.uri.query.isEmpty) return "-"
    return Uri.encodeQuery(req.uri.query)

  internal static Str formatScStatus(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    return res.statusCode.toStr

  internal static Str formatTimeTaken(WebReq req, WebRes res)
    d := Duration.now - req.stash["web.startTime"]
    return d.toMillis.toStr

  internal static Str formatCsHeader(WebReq req, Str headerName)
    s := req.headers[headerName]
    if (s == null || s.isEmpty) return "-"
    return "\"" + s.replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\""

// Fields

  private const FileLogger logger
