// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   16 Jun 2008  Brian Frank  Creation
//   29 Mar 2017  Brian Frank  Refactor for predefined font metrics

** Font models font-family, font-size, and font-style, and font-weight.
** Metrics are available for a predefined set of fonts.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const class Font

// Construction

  ** Construct with it-block
  new make(|This| f) { f(this) }

  ** Construct a Font with individual fields
  @NoDoc new makeFields(Str[] names, Float size, FontWeight weight := FontWeight.normal, FontStyle style := FontStyle.normal)
    if (names.isEmpty) throw ArgErr("No names specified")
    this.names  = names
    this.size   = size
    this.weight = weight
    this.style  = style
    this.data   = FontData.find(this)

  ** Parse font from string using CSS shorthand format for
  ** supported properties:
  **   [<style>] [<weight>] <size> <names>
  ** Examples:
  **   Font.fromStr("12pt Arial")
  **   Font.fromStr("bold 10pt Courier")
  **   Font.fromStr("italic bold 8pt Times")
  **   Font.fromStr("italic 300 10pt sans-serif")
  static Font? fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
      toks := s.split
      toki := 0

      style := FontStyle.decode(toks[toki], false)
      if (style != null) toki++
      else style = FontStyle.normal

      weight := FontWeight.decode(toks[toki], false)
      if (weight != null) toki++
      else weight = FontWeight.normal

      if (!toks[toki].endsWith("pt")) throw Err()
      size := toks[toki][0..-3].toFloat

      names := decodeNames(toks[toki..-1].join(" "))

      return makeFields(names, size, weight, style)
    catch (Err e) {}
    if (checked) throw ParseErr("Invalid Font: $s")
    return null

  private static Str[] decodeNames(Str s)

  private static Float decodeSize(Str s)
    if (!s.endsWith("pt")) throw Err("Invalid font size: $s")
    return s[0..-3].toFloat

  private static FontWeight decodeWeight(Str s)

  private static FontStyle decodeStyle(Str s)

// Props

  ** Construct from a map of CSS props such as font-family, font-size.
  ** Also see `toProps`.
  static Font? fromProps([Str:Str] props)
    if (props["font-family"] == null) return null
    return makeFields(
      decodeNames(props["font-family"] ?: "sans-serif"),
      decodeSize(props["font-size"] ?: "12pt"),
      decodeWeight(props["font-weight"] ?: "normal"),
      decodeStyle(props["font-style"] ?: "normal"))

  ** Get CSS style properties for this font.
  ** Also see `fromProps`
  Str:Str toProps()
    acc := OrderedMap<Str,Str>()
    acc["font-family"] = names.join(",")
    acc["font-size"] = GeomUtil.formatFloat(size) + "pt"
    if (!weight.isNormal) acc["font-weight"] = weight.num.toStr
    if (!style.isNormal) acc["font-style"] = style.name
    return acc

// Font

  ** First family name in `names`
  Str name() { names.first }

  ** List of prioritized family names
  const Str[] names := ["sans-serif"]

  ** Size of font in points.
  const Float size := 11f

  ** Weight as number from 100 to 900
  const FontWeight weight := FontWeight.normal

  ** Style as normal, italic, or oblique
  const FontStyle style := FontStyle.normal

// Identity

  ** Return hash of all fields
  override Int hash()
    names.hash.xor(size.hash).xor(weight.hash * 73).xor(style.hash * 19)

  ** Equality is based on all fields.
  override Bool equals(Obj? that)
    x := that as Font
    if (x == null) return false
    return names  == x.names  &&
           size   == x.size   &&
           weight == x.weight &&
           style  == x.style

  ** Format as '"[style] [weight] <size>pt <names>"'
  override Str toStr()
    s := StrBuf()
    if (!style.isNormal)  s.add(style.name).addChar(' ')
    if (!weight.isNormal) s.add(weight.num).addChar(' ')
    s.add(GeomUtil.formatFloat(size)).add("pt").addChar(' ')
    return s.toStr

// Utils

  ** Return this font with different point size.
  Font toSize(Float size)
    if (this.size == size) return this
    return Font.makeFields(names, size, weight, style)

  ** Return this font with different style
  Font toStyle(FontStyle style)
    if (this.style == style) return this
    return Font.makeFields(names, size, weight, style)

  ** Return this font with different weight.
  Font toWeight(FontWeight weight)
    if (this.weight == weight) return this
    return Font.makeFields(names, size, weight, style)

// Metrics

  ** DO NOT USE - this design is deprecated in favor of Graphics.metrics
  ** Normalize to the closest font with metrics
  @NoDoc Font normalize()
    if (data != null) return this
    return FontData.normalize(this)

  ** DO NOT USE - this design is deprecated in favor of Graphics.metrics
  ** Get font metrics for this font.  If this is not a [normalized]`normalize`
  ** font with built-in metrics, then raise UnsupportedErr.
  FontMetrics metrics(DeviceContext dc := DeviceContext.cur)
    if (data == null) throw UnsupportedErr("FontMetrics not supported: $this")
    return FontDataMetrics(dc, size, data)

  ** Font metric data from predefined registry
  private const FontData? data

** FontMetrics

** FontMetrics represents font size information for a `Font` within
** a specific graphics context.
abstract const class FontMetrics
  ** Get height of this font which is the sum of
  ** ascent, descent, and leading.
  abstract Float height()

  ** Get ascent of this font which is the distance from
  ** baseline to top of chars, not including any leading area.
  abstract Float ascent()

  ** Get descent of this font which is the distance from
  ** baseline to bottom of chars, not including any leading area.
  abstract Float descent()

  ** Get leading of this font which is the distance above
  ** the ascent which may include accents and other marks.
  abstract Float leading()

  ** Get the width of the string when painted with this font.
  abstract Float width(Str s)

** FontDataMetrics

** FontDataMetrics implements metrics via internal, predefined FontData
internal const class FontDataMetrics : FontMetrics
  new make(DeviceContext dc, Float size, FontData data)
    this.data  = data
    this.size  = size
    this.ratio = (dc.dpi / 72f * fudge) * size / 1000f

  ** Get height of this font which is the sum of
  ** ascent, descent, and leading.
  override Float height() { (data.height * ratio).round }

  ** Get ascent of this font which is the distance from
  ** baseline to top of chars, not including any leading area.
  override Float ascent() { (data.ascent * ratio).round }

  ** Get descent of this font which is the distance from
  ** baseline to bottom of chars, not including any leading area.
  override Float descent() { (data.descent * ratio).round }

  ** Get leading of this font which is the distance above
  ** the ascent which may include accents and other marks.
  override Float leading() { (data.leading * ratio).round }

  ** Get the width of the string when painted with this font.
  override Float width(Str s)
    d := data
    w := 0
    for (i := 0; i<s.size; ++i)
      w += d.charWidth(s[i])
    return (w.toFloat * ratio).round

  ** Last char we have metrics for
  @NoDoc Int lastChar() { data.lastChar }

  ** This factor is used to tune metrics based on eye-ball testing
  ** since we have simplified metric data for efficiency
  private static const Float fudge := 1.02f

  private const FontData data  // backing metric data
  private const Float size     // font size in points
  private const Float ratio    // ratio to map 1000pt to device context

** FontWeight

** Font weight property values
enum class FontWeight

  ** Numeric weight as number from 100 to 900
  const Int num

  ** Is this the normal value
  Bool isNormal() { this === normal }

  ** From numeric value 100 to 900
  static FontWeight? fromNum(Int num, Bool checked := true)
    switch (num)
      case 100: return thin
      case 200: return extraLight
      case 300: return light
      case 400: return normal
      case 500: return medium
      case 600: return semiBold
      case 700: return bold
      case 800: return extraBold
      case 900: return black
    if (checked) throw ArgErr("Invalid FontWeight num: $num")
    return null

  ** Decode from CSS string
  @NoDoc static FontWeight? decode(Str s, Bool checked := true)
      val := fromStr(s, false)
      if (val != null) return val
      return fromNum(s.toInt)
    catch (Err e) {}
    if (checked) throw ArgErr("Invalid FontWeight: $s")
    return null

  private new make(Int num) { this.num = num }

** FontStyle

** Font style property values: normal, italic, oblique
enum class FontStyle
  normal, italic, oblique

  ** Is this the normal value
  Bool isNormal() { this === normal }

  ** Decode from CSS string
  @NoDoc static FontStyle? decode(Str s, Bool checked := true)
    fromStr(s, checked)