// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   12 Jun 2008  Brian Frank  Creation
//   10 Apr 2017  Brian Frank  Refactor to model CSS color

** Models an CSS4 RGB color with alpha
@Serializable { simple = true }
const final class Color : Paint

// Construction

  ** Transparent constant with opacity set to zero
  const static Color transparent := make(0, 0f)

  ** Black is #000
  const static Color black := make(0, 1.0f)

  ** White is #FFF
  const static Color white := make(0xFFFFFF, 1.0f)

  ** Make a new instance with the RGB components masked
  ** together: bits 16-23 red; bits 8-15 green; bits 0-7 blue.
  ** Alpha should be a float between 1.0 and 0.0.
  new make(Int rgb := 0, Float a := 1.0f)
    this.rgb = rgb.and(0xff_ff_ff)
    this.a = a.max(0f).min(1.0f)

  ** Make a new instance with the RGB individual
  ** components as integers between 0 and 255 and alpha
  ** as float between 1.0 and 0.0.
  static Color makeRgb(Int r, Int g, Int b, Float a := 1.0f)
    return make((r.and(0xff).shiftl(16))
             .or(b.and(0xff)), a)

  ** Construct a color using HSL model (hue, saturation, lightness):
  **   - hue as 0.0 to 360.0
  **   - saturation as 0.0 to 1.0
  **   - lightness (or brightness) as 0.0 to 1.0
  **   - alpha as 0.0 to 1.0
  ** Also see `h`, `s`, `l`.
  static Color makeHsl(Float h, Float s, Float l, Float a := 1.0f)
    r := l; g := l; b := l
    if (s != 0f)
      if (h == 360f) h = 0f
      h /= 60f
      i := h.floor
      f := h - i
      p := l * (1f - s)
      q := l * (1f - s * f)
      t := l * (1f - (s*(1f-f)))
      switch (i.toInt)
        case 0: r=l; g=t; b=p
        case 1: r=q; g=l; b=p
        case 2: r=p; g=l; b=t
        case 3: r=p; g=q; b=l
        case 4: r=t; g=p; b=l
        case 5: r=l; g=p; b=q
    return make((r * 255f).toInt.shiftl(16)
                .or((g * 255f).toInt.shiftl(8))
                .or((b * 255f).toInt), a)

// Parsing

  ** Parse color from CSS 4 string.  If invalid
  ** and checked is true then throw ParseErr otherwise
  ** return null.  The following formats are supported:
  **   - CSS keyword color
  **   - #RRGGBB
  **   - #RRGGBBAA
  **   - #RGB
  **   - #RGBA
  **   - rgb(r, g b)
  **   - rgba(r, g, b, a)
  **   - hsl(h, s, l)
  **   - hsla(h, s, l, a)
  ** Functional notation works with comma or space separated
  ** arguments.
  ** Examples:
  **   Color.fromStr("red")
  **   Color.fromStr("#8A0")
  **   Color.fromStr("#88AA00")
  **   Color.fromStr("rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)")
  **   Color.fromStr("rgb(100% 0% 0% 25%)")
  static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
      // #xxx syntax
      if (s.startsWith("#")) return parseHex(s)

      // keyword
      k := byKeyword[s]
      if (k != null) return k

      // try functional notation
      paren := s.index("(")
      if (paren != null)
        if (s[-1] != ')') throw Err()
        return parseFunc(s[0..<paren], GeomUtil.split(s[paren+1..-2]))

      // bad format
      throw Err()
    catch (Err e) {}
    if (checked) throw ParseErr("Invalid Color: $s")
    return Color.black

  ** Parse comma separated list from string
  static Color[]? listFromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
      toks := s.split(',')
      if (s.contains("("))
        acc := StrBuf[,]
        inParen := false
        toks.each |tok, i|
          if (inParen) acc.last.addChar(',').add(tok)
          else acc.add(StrBuf().add(tok))
          if (tok.contains("(")) inParen = true
          if (tok.contains(")")) inParen = false
        toks = acc.map |buf->Str| { buf.toStr }
      return toks.map |tok->Color| { Color.fromStr(tok) }
    catch (Err e) e.trace
    if (checked) throw ParseErr("Invalid color list: $s")
    return null

  private static Color parseHex(Str s)
    sub := s[1..-1]
    hex := sub.toInt(16)
    switch (sub.size)
      case 3:
        r := hex.shiftr(8).and(0xf); r = r.shiftl(4).or(r)
        g := hex.shiftr(4).and(0xf); g = g.shiftl(4).or(g)
        b := hex.shiftr(0).and(0xf); b = b.shiftl(4).or(b)
        return make(r.shiftl(16).or(g.shiftl(8)).or(b))
      case 4:
        r := hex.shiftr(12).and(0xf); r = r.shiftl(4).or(r)
        g := hex.shiftr(8).and(0xf);  g = g.shiftl(4).or(g)
        b := hex.shiftr(4).and(0xf);  b = b.shiftl(4).or(b)
        a := hex.shiftr(0).and(0xf);  a = a.shiftl(4).or(a)
        return makeRgb(r, g, b, a/255f)
      case 6:
        return make(hex)
      case 8:
        return make(hex.shiftr(8), GeomUtil.formatFloat(hex.and(0xff)/255f).toFloat)
        throw Err()

  private static Color parseFunc(Str func, Str[] args)
    switch (func)
      case "rgb":
      case "rgba":
        return makeRgb(parseRgbArg(args[0]), parseRgbArg(args[1]), parseRgbArg(args[2]), parsePercentArg(args.getSafe(3)))
      case "hsl":
      case "hsla":
        return makeHsl(parseDegArg(args[0]), parsePercentArg(args[1]), parsePercentArg(args[2]), parsePercentArg(args.getSafe(3)))
        throw Err()

  private static Int parseRgbArg(Str s)
    if (s[-1] == '%') return (255f * s[0..-2].toFloat / 100f).toInt
    return s.toInt

  private static Float parseDegArg(Str s)
    if (s.endsWith("deg")) s = s[0..-4]
    f := s.toFloat
    if (f > 360f) f = f.toInt.mod(360).toFloat
    return f

  private static Float parsePercentArg(Str? s)
    if (s == null) return 1.0f
    if (s[-1] == '%') return s[0..-2].toFloat / 100f
    return s.toFloat

// Color Model

  ** The RGB components masked together: bits 16-23 red;
  ** bits 8-15 green; bits 0-7 blue.
  const Int rgb

  ** The alpha component from 0.0 to 1.0
  const Float a

  ** The red component from 0 to 255.
  Int r() { rgb.shiftr(16).and(0xff) }

  ** The green component from 0 to 255.
  Int g() { rgb.shiftr(8).and(0xff) }

  ** The blue component from 0 to 255.
  Int b() { rgb.and(0xff) }

  ** Hue as a float between 0.0 and 360.0 of the HSL model (hue,
  ** saturation, lightness).  Also see `makeHsl`, `s`, `l`.
  Float h()
    r := this.r.toFloat
    b := this.b.toFloat
    g := this.g.toFloat
    min := r.min(b.min(g))
    max := r.max(b.max(g))
    delta := max - min
    s := max == 0f ? 0f : delta / max
    h := 0f
    if (s != 0f)
      if (r == max) h = (g - b) / delta
      else if (g == max) h = 2f + (b - r) / delta
      else if (b == max) h = 4f + (r - g) / delta
      h *= 60f
      if (h < 0f) h += 360f
    return h

  ** Saturation as a float between 0.0 and 1.0 of the HSL model (hue,
  ** saturation, lightness).  Also see `makeHsl`, `h`, `l`.
  Float s()
    min := r.min(b.min(g)).toFloat
    max := r.max(b.max(g)).toFloat
    return max == 0f ? 0f : (max-min) / max

  ** Lightness (brightness) as a float between 0.0 and 1.0 of the HSL
  ** model (hue, saturation, lightness). Also see `makeHsl`, `h`, `s`.
  Float l()
    r.max(b.max(g)).toFloat / 255f

// Identity

  ** Return the hash code.
  override Int hash() { rgb.xor(a.hash.shiftl(24)) }

  ** Equality
  override Bool equals(Obj? that)
    x := that as Color
    if (x == null) return false
    return x.rgb == rgb && x.a == a

  ** If the alpha component is 1.0, then format as '"#RRGGBB"' hex
  ** string, otherwise format as '"rbga()"' notation.
  override Str toStr()
    if (a >= 1.0f) return toHexStr
    aStr := a.toLocale("0.##")
    return "rgba($r,$g,$b,$aStr)"

  ** Format as #RGB, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA syntax
  Str toHexStr()
    hex := rgb.toHex(6)
    if (a >= 1f)
      if (hex[0] == hex[1] && hex[2] == hex[3] && hex[4] == hex[5])
        return "#" + hex[0].toChar + hex[2].toChar + hex[4].toChar
        return "#" + hex
    ahex := (255f * a).toInt.min(255).max(0).toHex(2)
    return "#" + hex + ahex

// Paint

  ** Always return true
  override Bool isColorPaint() { true }

  ** Return this
  override Color asColorPaint() { this }

// Utils

  ** Return if `a` is zero, fully transparent
  Bool isTransparent() { a <= 0f }

  ** Adjust the opacity of this color and return new instance,
  ** where 'opacity' is between 0.0  and 1.0.
  Color opacity(Float opacity := 1f)
    make(rgb, a * opacity)

  ** Get a color which is a lighter shade of this color.
  ** This increases the brightness by the given percentage
  ** which is a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
  Color lighter(Float percentage := 0.2f)
    // adjust value (brighness)
    l := (this.l + percentage).max(0f).min(1f)
    return makeHsl(h, s, l)

  ** Get a color which is a dark shade of this color.
  ** This decreases the brightness by the given percentage
  ** which is a float between 0.0 and 1.0.
  Color darker(Float percentage := 0.2f)

  ** Adjust saturation as percentage between -1..1.
  Color saturate(Float percentage := 0.2f)
    s := (this.s + percentage).max(0f).min(1f)
    return makeHsl(h, s, l)

  ** Convenience for 'saturate(-percentage)'.
  Color desaturate(Float percentage := 0.2f)

// Interpolate

  ** Interpolate between a and b where t is 0.0 to 1.0 using RGB color model.
  static Color interpolateRgb(Color a, Color b, Float t)
    return Color.makeRgb(interpolateByte(a.r, b.r, t),
                         interpolateByte(a.g, b.g, t),
                         interpolateByte(a.b, b.b, t),
                         interpolatePercent(a.a, b.a, t))

  ** Interpolate between a and b where t is 0.0 to 1.0 using HSL color model.
  static Color interpolateHsl(Color a, Color b, Float t)
    return Color.makeHsl(interpolateDeg(a.h, b.h, t),
                         interpolatePercent(a.s, b.s, t),
                         interpolatePercent(a.l, b.l, t),
                         interpolatePercent(a.a, b.a, t))

  private static Float interpolateDeg(Float a, Float b, Float t)
    (a + (b-a) * t).min(360f).max(0f)

  private static Int interpolateByte(Int a, Int b, Float t)
    (a + (b-a) * t).toInt.min(255).max(0)

  private static Float interpolatePercent(Float a, Float b, Float t)
    (a + (b-a) * t).min(1f).max(0f)

// Predefined

  @NoDoc static Str[] keywords() { byKeyword.keys }

  private static const Str:Color byKeyword
    // CSS 1, 2, 3, and 4 keywords
    acc := CaseInsensitiveMap<Str,Color>()
    acc["black"] = Color(0x000000)
    acc["silver"] = Color(0xc0c0c0)
    acc["gray"] = Color(0x808080)
    acc["white"] = Color(0xffffff)
    acc["maroon"] = Color(0x800000)
    acc["red"] = Color(0xff0000)
    acc["purple"] = Color(0x800080)
    acc["fuchsia"] = Color(0xff00ff)
    acc["green"] = Color(0x008000)
    acc["lime"] = Color(0x00ff00)
    acc["olive"] = Color(0x808000)
    acc["yellow"] = Color(0xffff00)
    acc["navy"] = Color(0x000080)
    acc["blue"] = Color(0x0000ff)
    acc["teal"] = Color(0x008080)
    acc["aqua"] = Color(0x00ffff)
    acc["orange"] = Color(0xffa500)
    acc["aliceblue"] = Color(0xf0f8ff)
    acc["antiquewhite"] = Color(0xfaebd7)
    acc["aquamarine"] = Color(0x7fffd4)
    acc["azure"] = Color(0xf0ffff)
    acc["beige"] = Color(0xf5f5dc)
    acc["bisque"] = Color(0xffe4c4)
    acc["blanchedalmond"] = Color(0xffebcd)
    acc["blueviolet"] = Color(0x8a2be2)
    acc["brown"] = Color(0xa52a2a)
    acc["burlywood"] = Color(0xdeb887)
    acc["cadetblue"] = Color(0x5f9ea0)
    acc["chartreuse"] = Color(0x7fff00)
    acc["chocolate"] = Color(0xd2691e)
    acc["coral"] = Color(0xff7f50)
    acc["cornflowerblue"] = Color(0x6495ed)
    acc["cornsilk"] = Color(0xfff8dc)
    acc["crimson"] = Color(0xdc143c)
    acc["cyan"] = Color(0x00ffff)
    acc["darkblue"] = Color(0x00008b)
    acc["darkcyan"] = Color(0x008b8b)
    acc["darkgoldenrod"] = Color(0xb8860b)
    acc["darkgray"] = Color(0xa9a9a9)
    acc["darkgreen"] = Color(0x006400)
    acc["darkgrey"] = Color(0xa9a9a9)
    acc["darkkhaki"] = Color(0xbdb76b)
    acc["darkmagenta"] = Color(0x8b008b)
    acc["darkolivegreen"] = Color(0x556b2f)
    acc["darkorange"] = Color(0xff8c00)
    acc["darkorchid"] = Color(0x9932cc)
    acc["darkred"] = Color(0x8b0000)
    acc["darksalmon"] = Color(0xe9967a)
    acc["darkseagreen"] = Color(0x8fbc8f)
    acc["darkslateblue"] = Color(0x483d8b)
    acc["darkslategray"] = Color(0x2f4f4f)
    acc["darkslategrey"] = Color(0x2f4f4f)
    acc["darkturquoise"] = Color(0x00ced1)
    acc["darkviolet"] = Color(0x9400d3)
    acc["deeppink"] = Color(0xff1493)
    acc["deepskyblue"] = Color(0x00bfff)
    acc["dimgray"] = Color(0x696969)
    acc["dimgrey"] = Color(0x696969)
    acc["dodgerblue"] = Color(0x1e90ff)
    acc["firebrick"] = Color(0xb22222)
    acc["floralwhite"] = Color(0xfffaf0)
    acc["forestgreen"] = Color(0x228b22)
    acc["gainsboro"] = Color(0xdcdcdc)
    acc["ghostwhite"] = Color(0xf8f8ff)
    acc["gold"] = Color(0xffd700)
    acc["goldenrod"] = Color(0xdaa520)
    acc["greenyellow"] = Color(0xadff2f)
    acc["grey"] = Color(0x808080)
    acc["honeydew"] = Color(0xf0fff0)
    acc["hotpink"] = Color(0xff69b4)
    acc["indianred"] = Color(0xcd5c5c)
    acc["indigo"] = Color(0x4b0082)
    acc["ivory"] = Color(0xfffff0)
    acc["khaki"] = Color(0xf0e68c)
    acc["lavender"] = Color(0xe6e6fa)
    acc["lavenderblush"] = Color(0xfff0f5)
    acc["lawngreen"] = Color(0x7cfc00)
    acc["lemonchiffon"] = Color(0xfffacd)
    acc["lightblue"] = Color(0xadd8e6)
    acc["lightcoral"] = Color(0xf08080)
    acc["lightcyan"] = Color(0xe0ffff)
    acc["lightgoldenrodyellow"] = Color(0xfafad2)
    acc["lightgray"] = Color(0xd3d3d3)
    acc["lightgreen"] = Color(0x90ee90)
    acc["lightgrey"] = Color(0xd3d3d3)
    acc["lightpink"] = Color(0xffb6c1)
    acc["lightsalmon"] = Color(0xffa07a)
    acc["lightseagreen"] = Color(0x20b2aa)
    acc["lightskyblue"] = Color(0x87cefa)
    acc["lightslategray"] = Color(0x778899)
    acc["lightslategrey"] = Color(0x778899)
    acc["lightsteelblue"] = Color(0xb0c4de)
    acc["lightyellow"] = Color(0xffffe0)
    acc["limegreen"] = Color(0x32cd32)
    acc["linen"] = Color(0xfaf0e6)
    acc["mediumaquamarine"] = Color(0x66cdaa)
    acc["mediumblue"] = Color(0x0000cd)
    acc["mediumorchid"] = Color(0xba55d3)
    acc["mediumpurple"] = Color(0x9370db)
    acc["mediumseagreen"] = Color(0x3cb371)
    acc["mediumslateblue"] = Color(0x7b68ee)
    acc["mediumspringgreen"] = Color(0x00fa9a)
    acc["mediumturquoise"] = Color(0x48d1cc)
    acc["mediumvioletred"] = Color(0xc71585)
    acc["midnightblue"] = Color(0x191970)
    acc["mintcream"] = Color(0xf5fffa)
    acc["mistyrose"] = Color(0xffe4e1)
    acc["moccasin"] = Color(0xffe4b5)
    acc["navajowhite"] = Color(0xffdead)
    acc["oldlace"] = Color(0xfdf5e6)
    acc["olivedrab"] = Color(0x6b8e23)
    acc["orangered"] = Color(0xff4500)
    acc["orchid"] = Color(0xda70d6)
    acc["palegoldenrod"] = Color(0xeee8aa)
    acc["palegreen"] = Color(0x98fb98)
    acc["paleturquoise"] = Color(0xafeeee)
    acc["palevioletred"] = Color(0xdb7093)
    acc["papayawhip"] = Color(0xffefd5)
    acc["peachpuff"] = Color(0xffdab9)
    acc["peru"] = Color(0xcd853f)
    acc["pink"] = Color(0xffc0cb)
    acc["plum"] = Color(0xdda0dd)
    acc["powderblue"] = Color(0xb0e0e6)
    acc["rosybrown"] = Color(0xbc8f8f)
    acc["royalblue"] = Color(0x4169e1)
    acc["saddlebrown"] = Color(0x8b4513)
    acc["salmon"] = Color(0xfa8072)
    acc["sandybrown"] = Color(0xf4a460)
    acc["seagreen"] = Color(0x2e8b57)
    acc["seashell"] = Color(0xfff5ee)
    acc["sienna"] = Color(0xa0522d)
    acc["skyblue"] = Color(0x87ceeb)
    acc["slateblue"] = Color(0x6a5acd)
    acc["slategray"] = Color(0x708090)
    acc["slategrey"] = Color(0x708090)
    acc["snow"] = Color(0xfffafa)
    acc["springgreen"] = Color(0x00ff7f)
    acc["steelblue"] = Color(0x4682b4)
    acc["tan"] = Color(0xd2b48c)
    acc["thistle"] = Color(0xd8bfd8)
    acc["tomato"] = Color(0xff6347)
    acc["transparent"] = transparent
    acc["turquoise"] = Color(0x40e0d0)
    acc["violet"] = Color(0xee82ee)
    acc["wheat"] = Color(0xf5deb3)
    acc["whitesmoke"] = Color(0xf5f5f5)
    acc["yellowgreen"] = Color(0x9acd32)
    acc["rebeccapurple"] = Color(0x663399)
    byKeyword = acc