virtual class dom::Style
sys::Obj dom::Style
Style models CSS style properties for an Elem.
- addClass
Add the given CSS class name to this element. If this element already contains the given class name, then this method does nothing. Returns this.
- addPseudoClass
Str addPseudoClass(Str name, Str css)
Add a psuedo-class CSS definietion to this element. A new class name is auto-generated and used to prefix
must start with the:
character. Returns the generated class":hover", "background: #eee")
- classes
The CSS classes for this element.
- clear
This clear()
Clear all style declarations.
- computed
Get the computed property value.
- effective
Get the effetive style property value, which is the most specific style or CSS rule in effect on this node. Returns
if no rule in effect for given property.This method is restricted to stylesheets that have originated from the same domain as the document. Any rules that may be applied from an external sheet will not be included.
- get
Get the given property value.
color := style["color"]
- hasClass
Return true if this element has the given CSS class name, or false if it does not.
- removeClass
Remove the given CSS class name to this element. If this element does not have the given class name, this method does nothing. Returns this.
- set
This set(Str name, Obj? val)Set the given propery value. If
is null this property is["color"] = "#f00"
- setAll
This setAll(Map<Str,Obj?> map)
Set all the given property values.
style.setAll(["color":"#f00", "font-weight":"bold"])
- setCss
Set properties via CSS text.
style.setCss("color: #f00; font-weight: bold;")
- toggleClass
This toggleClass(Str name, Bool? cond := null)
Toggle the presence of the given CSS class name based on the
: remove class if present, or add if missingtrue
: always add class (seeaddClass
: always remove class(seeremoveClass
- trap
virtual override Obj? trap(Str name, List<Obj?>? args := null)
Get or set an attribute. Attribute names should be specifed in camel case:
style->backgroundColor == style["background-color"]